Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Eggs once again

Since we are on an egg theme (hey, it's springtime). Here we go with another egg story.

As I have mentioned earlier Cub has been intrigued by the idea of Sunny-Side up eggs.
He tried some at the Waffle House, but he wasn't too excited about it.

I spoke with the guys at work about their cooking theories on eggs. I read a bit online about cooking eggs and Saturday night decided to try cooking my first Sunny-Side Up egg.

I put my 'egg pan' on the burner, on about a 4. Just let it heat up while I got the rest of dinner ready. I put some grits in the microwave, pulled out the toaster. Pulled a few eggs out of the refrigerator.

Then it was time for the eggs. I put a small pat of butter in the bottom of the pan, Just for flavoring not for lubrication.

When the eggs started foaming I broke the first egg into a glass and then carefully poured it into a pan. Tilted the pan about a bit until the egg started to set. Then did the same with another egg. Once they looked a bit set I took 1/2 a shot glass of water, poured it in, and lidded the pan. I left it like that for a few minutes and then (with much trepidation) I pulled the cover.

There the eggs were, staring back at me, we eyed each other for a few seconds and then I announced "It's time to eat boy!"

Cub was ready, he had buttered toast, a pile of cheese grits, and an empty space for an egg.

I slid the egg out of the pan and onto his plate.

He took a bite, I took a bite, we both chewed slowly. I glanced over at the boy and he gave me a thumbs up.

Woo! Victory!

Dave ...

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