Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Eggs once again

Since we are on an egg theme (hey, it's springtime). Here we go with another egg story.

As I have mentioned earlier Cub has been intrigued by the idea of Sunny-Side up eggs.
He tried some at the Waffle House, but he wasn't too excited about it.

I spoke with the guys at work about their cooking theories on eggs. I read a bit online about cooking eggs and Saturday night decided to try cooking my first Sunny-Side Up egg.

I put my 'egg pan' on the burner, on about a 4. Just let it heat up while I got the rest of dinner ready. I put some grits in the microwave, pulled out the toaster. Pulled a few eggs out of the refrigerator.

Then it was time for the eggs. I put a small pat of butter in the bottom of the pan, Just for flavoring not for lubrication.

When the eggs started foaming I broke the first egg into a glass and then carefully poured it into a pan. Tilted the pan about a bit until the egg started to set. Then did the same with another egg. Once they looked a bit set I took 1/2 a shot glass of water, poured it in, and lidded the pan. I left it like that for a few minutes and then (with much trepidation) I pulled the cover.

There the eggs were, staring back at me, we eyed each other for a few seconds and then I announced "It's time to eat boy!"

Cub was ready, he had buttered toast, a pile of cheese grits, and an empty space for an egg.

I slid the egg out of the pan and onto his plate.

He took a bite, I took a bite, we both chewed slowly. I glanced over at the boy and he gave me a thumbs up.

Woo! Victory!

Dave ...

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

speaking of Eggs

I learned how to make quiche this weekend, its mighty good, and mighty easy. 

We had some steamed broccoli left over in the fridge and guests due to arrive soon. So I perused 'The Internets' compared recipes, and came to the conclusion that I will NEVER buy pre-made quiche again. 

All you need is a standard pie crust (NOT Graham Cracker), some eggs, milk, salt, nutmeg, and your filling of choice. Throw it together and cook in 350 degree oven for 45 minutes. VOILA 

Tonight I took the last of the steamed broccoli (it was a BIG head of broccoli) ran it through the food processor. Pulled two eggs and a cup of milk out of the fridge. Grabbed the last few slices of sliced ham lunch meat and diced it. 

Put the chopped broccoli in the bottom of the crust, sprinkled a bit of kosher salt, nutmeg,garlic powder and my favorite addition to eggs Garam Masala. Put the ham next and a handful of shredded cheddar then poured the egg/milk mixture over the top. 

This all went into the oven and baked for about 45 minutes, when it came out it was still a bit jiggly in the middle, but the carryover heat quickly took care of that. 

Thumper was sound asleep, but Cub ate a huge piece and stole my crust. I believe Quiche is a new dinner standard in this house. 

Dave ... 

Sunny-Side Up

There is something about eggs. Most people have very specific ideas on what and how they like their eggs. 

Cub is still trying to figure this out. Because of this he is also very willing to try pretty much any egg you set in front of him. 

This morning Pamela had some errands to run, and for a bribe to get the boys in gear, she promised "Waffle House" for breakfast.  

Of course this is after I am off to work, so I don't get to partake in the experience. Pamela is NOT the person to go to the Waffle House with and decide you want to have an egg Sunny-Side up.  She's one of those people that cook eggs until they weep. She also won't touch grits, she's from the south, and she won't touch grits. I just don't understand. 

So, at lunch when I came home, Cub said he wasn't too impressed with a Sunny-Side up egg. I asked if he had mixed it with the grits, or dipped his toast in the yolk, no to the first, yes to the second. Apparantly instead of grits, his mother ordered Hash-Browns for him. *sigh* 

But he did agree that he would be willing to try them again one day. So i guess for breakfast on Saturday we'll have eggs and grits. With homemade biscuits and some bacon. Woo! I feel the arteries hardening now! hmm, maybe turkey bacon. And only a light bit of butter on the bread. 

Dave ... 

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Dinner troubles

Thumper is on his two-year fast. You know the one I am talking about, from 2-4? Where you think all they subside on is air? 

As I was making dinner tonight, he came in the kitchen to investigate. He asked what I was makng and I told him 

"Beans and Rice and Sausage" 
"oh Beans and Rice? My favorite!"
"your favorite?" I asked. 
"My Favorite!" He exclaimed. 

So, I put some in his penguin bowl, put some grapes on the table and some veggies and dip. He took his bowl and proudly went to the table, climbed up in his chair ... and proceded to NOT eat the bean and rice. 

"But Thumper! you said you loved Beans and rice!" 
"uhhhh no, Grapes instead" 

And then he proceeded to eat his fill of grapes. 
