Friday, June 16, 2006

Danish Economy

My buddy Dave sent me this link to a discussion on the Danish Economy after the Muslim 'boycott' due to the comics that were published in the newspapers.

The net effect on the Danish economy by the Muslim boycott of products from
Denmark: The Post-Postmodernist

Let me just add to this by saying ...

So let me just encourage you all to stop at the local market tonight
and pick up a 6 pack of Tuborg or Carlsberg beer, maybe some Danish
Havarti or Blue cheese, a block of Lurpak butter, and some "Den Gamle
Fabrik" Raspberry preserves, stop in the bakery and get a good loaf of
crusty multigrain bread and have a nice meal.

Often in the mornings (especially on the weekends) the Danes will have
hard rolls or huge slabs of crusty bread, slathered with butter and
then you put a slice of cheese or some preserves on top (or my
favorite way ... BOTH). Drink some nice dark coffee or tea or if it's brunch .. The beer!

wow .. I am salivating .. I think I am most surely going to stop at
Publix on the way home for some fixin's.

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